Chateau Borely < > MAC

Rio, Nice, Barcelona? Nope! Marseille! This is where the city takes on a more playful, relaxing allure, where the seaside is less industrial, and nature, omnipresent! The Southern districts maintain that "Marseille way of life", that of beaches, seaside sheds, gorgeous bastides - and luxury residences! It is, after all, where Le Corbusier decided to build his utopia.

Chateau Borelly Chateau Borelly Ecole natioanle de danse les jardins de thalassa Brasilia Unité d'habitation 86 logements extension cité mixte Daumier MAC
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Ecole nationale de danse Ecole nationale de danse Ecole nationale de danse Ecole nationale de danse

Ecole nationale de danse

The Dancing Kasbah

This nomad building was originally designed to be built on one site, and ended up in the middle of this park following a political decision. Perhaps it is, in spite of itself, a symbol of the Mediterranean? A space of exchange and migration where the traveller (here, the dancer) drops an anchor in a space that is welcoming to his or her own culture? Here, architect Rolland Simounet built the quintessential Mediterranean building: the white colour, the use of minerals, the patio and rooftop terrace, the small openings and sunshade, the rainwater drainage systems. This is a solar construction, displaying a grandiose harmony of form, resembling a North-African Kasbah in its massings, its structure and its function. Look closely, and you may catch a glimpse of dancers rehearsing around a corner through the openings. The architecture thus becomes sensible, sensual even, suggesting its function and revealing the physical effort.
The building was classified Patrimoine du XXème Siècle (the French “20th Century Heritage” designation).
Architect :
Rolland Simounet
Year : 1992
Type : Danse school
Address : 20 Boulevard de Gabès
13008 Marseille
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