Chateau Borely < > MAC

Rio, Nice, Barcelona? Nope! Marseille! This is where the city takes on a more playful, relaxing allure, where the seaside is less industrial, and nature, omnipresent! The Southern districts maintain that "Marseille way of life", that of beaches, seaside sheds, gorgeous bastides - and luxury residences! It is, after all, where Le Corbusier decided to build his utopia.

Chateau Borelly Chateau Borelly Ecole natioanle de danse les jardins de thalassa Brasilia Unité d'habitation 86 logements extension cité mixte Daumier MAC
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les jardins de thalassa les jardins de thalassa les jardins de thalassa les jardins de thalassa

Les jardins de Thalassa

Carioca-style Architecture in Marseille

This complex is best understood as a manifesto for early-70s luxury resort residential development. It builds on legacy of the Corbusier's Ville Radieuse and proudly claims its adherence to the Brazilian-inspired modernist movement. Built facing the sea, it stands in the middle of a magnificent private park. Its minimalistic facade is composed of white concrete balconies running along the entire length, enlivened by blue fabric sun shades. This simplicity sits perfectly within the Master Plan's elegant curve. Today, this vision of architecture must be analysed through the lens of Marseille's urban history. Indeed, a few years after its construction, the city's urban planners decreed that new constructions should conform to a so-called "traditional" architecture. Regional pastiche will come back roaring with the imposed use of tiled roofs, ochre facades, and height requirements. This sad situation endures to this day with the type of constructions found around Prado beach. Which is a pity, for the residence that could have served as the model for the neighbourhood is right here in front of us.
The building was classified Patrimoine du XXème Siècle (the French “20th Century Heritage” designation). /H5>
Laville - Fabre
Year : 1973
Type: housing
Address : 120, rue du Commandant Rolland
13008 Marseille
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